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Wilder Carbon ESG Units committed, reserved or purchased

Net Zero Target

Winding city path amongst vegetation by Clay Lindner

Sustainable Investing into Sustainable Cities

2150 invests in urban sustainability. We seek companies and solutions that can reverse cities’ negative impacts on the planet and accelerate positive impacts on prosperity.

We understand the important role cities play in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Cities are drivers of global GHG emissions, are acutely exposed to climate risks, consume the vast majority of the world’s goods while impacting our ecosystems and natural resources. 2150 seeks positive environmental impacts through investment, which can maximise wider socio-economic co-benefits too.

green vegetation over building balconies by Danist Soh

Climate Action

2150 uses an internal carbon tax to acknowledge the impacts of our operational emissions. We apply the tax to our Scopes 1 to 3 emissions, except financed emissions, being those most directly influenced by the fund. We use a common price of €100 per tonne of CO₂e. The proceeds are then used to further develop assets and approaches to remove emissions while delivering further environmental benefits.

As an investor focused predominantly on technological solutions to environmental challenges, we see opportunity to expand our impact by supporting Nature-based Solution (NbS) projects with meaningful carbon removal and wider environmental benefits. Click here if you wish to sign up to our newsletter.

Botanic gardens and waterfall inside glass building by Bao Menglong

Hear from 2150

2150 are proud to have contributed toward the implementation of The Great Fen: Speechly’s Farm Wilder Carbon Project. For this exceptional project, halting the significant loss of peat is only half of the story. Bringing iconic wildlife back to what was once one of the largest wetland habitats in the UK is the more charismatic half.  The Wildlife Trust of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire will reunite the last refuges for fen wildlife at Woodwalton and Holme Fen Nature Reserves, with Speechly’s Farm, the missing piece of the puzzle.  For the first time there will be a bridge that spreads wildlife across the landscape and shows how blended green finance can support restoration of a lost landscape, making the Fens more resilient for the future.

Peter Hirsch, Head of Sustainability

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