A beaver swimming in shallow water

Our Trusted Deliverers

are respected for protecting nature across the UK. They have a proven track record of safeguarding land for local wildlife, locking up carbon and working with businesses.

hills with person on top of a rock
Nirmal Rajendhar Kumar

Wilder Carbon was conceived as a premium product that upholds high standards and we are interested in working with partners who are able to demonstrate alignment with the Wilder Carbon Principles.  

Trusted Deliverers are a vital component of the Wilder Carbon initiative and are responsible for delivering all Wilder Carbon projects under the Wilder Carbon Standard.  

A brown cow grazing in a field

As a Trusted Deliverer you will be part of our broader Community of Practice which seeks to act as a forum for continuous improvement in best practice. You will benefit from: 

  • Access to the Trusted Deliverer Community of Practice platform 
  • Free non-commercial use of the Wilder Carbon recommended Carbon + Habitat Tool 
  • Promotion of your Wilder Carbon Certified project to a network of potential buyers and investors


  • What is the eligibility criteria to become a Trusted Deliverer?

    To become a Trusted Deliverer you will be expected to meet all of the following eligibility criteria demonstrating that your organisation:

    • has an established track record for holding land for the purposes of maintaining and restoring sites for biodiversity 
    • is committed to maintaining habitats restored through Wilder Carbon finance in perpetuity 
    • has core values that align with the Wilder Carbon Principles, which enable you to enter into a signed agreement with us to uphold these principles 
    • meets defined tests on governance and financial sustainability that demonstrate capability and capacity to manage Wilder Carbon projects over a minimum 50 year project duration 

Speak to our Delivery Team

Our delivery team consists of in-house experts who can talk to you about your Wilder Carbon investment.

  • Evan Bowen-Jones
    Evan Bowen Jones
    Founder / Managing Director
  • Paul Hadaway
    Paul Hadaway
    Director of Conservation
  • Sarah Brownlie
    Programme Director
  • Ross Johnson
    Ross Johnson
    Head of Nature Markets
  • Robbie Still
    Robbie Still
    Head of Digital Development
  • Helen Gillespie-Brown
    Business Development Manager