Multi-coloured moss

Approved Buyer Application

Company Information

Use a permanent address where you can receive mail.

Contact Information

This information will not be shared and it used for us to contact you only. For more infomation please see our Privacy Policy.

Supporting Information

Please upload the following:

  • Proof of public commitment to Net Zero target
  • Net Zero Strategy
  • Evidence of Carbon reduction action i.e. Sustainability reporting or annual report

If available please upload:

  • Proof of Science Based Targets
  • Environmental policy
  • Net positive biodiversity policy

Once confirmed as a Buyer, spot check monitoring will be carried out by Wilder Carbon to ensure continued compliance. Should it be brought to Wilder Carbon’s attention that a Buyer is no longer compliant, either through monitoring or independent sources, a full investigation will be carried out and necessary action taken.

Important Considerations

In line with the Wilder Carbon Principles, the following are specifically excluded activities. Industries which engage with these activities will not be considered as potential Buyers. This list has been compiled using the Sarasin Guide to Ethical Restrictions (2021) and the Triodos Bank Minimum Standards (2020).

Climate related exclusions:

  • Fossil fuel extraction
  • Therma coal extraction
  • Production of oil from tar sands
  • Global deforestation
  • Breaches of national or international environmental law within the last 10 years
  • Deep Sea Mining

Ethical related exclusions:

  • Cluster bomb and landmine manufacturers
  • Armaments and firearms
  • Forced labour
  • Child labour
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Support for oppressive regimes
  • Support for terrorism, extremism, or extreme political parties

Ethical related considerations:

Industries which engage with the following activities will be subjected to additional vetting and considered on a case-by-case basis

  • Pornography
  • Gambling
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Animal testing