Bison Herd

Invest in Nature

Sumerian Foundation Logo

Wilder Carbon is a pilot initiative aimed at securing financial support for pathfinder projects implemented by Trusted Deliverers as a prelude to scaling up.

To enable this we are working with our partners at the Sumerian Foundation to create the first scalable UK Nature-based Solutions Facility as the financing vehicle for Wilder Carbon projects.

Dew on leaf

Science-based standards and methodologies need to be developed which reflect the principle that lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason to delay action Financing UK Nature Recovery Report November 2020

Kingfisher with fish in beak
© Anthony Hurren

There are three ways you can invest

Invest across our portfolio of projects via our finance facility

The facility will support pathfinder projects across the UK.

Participation in the UK Nature based Solutions Facility will catalyse:

  • Carbon sequestration
  • Net biodiversity gain
  • Development of carbon & biodiversity standards
  • Job creation
  • Awareness
  • Community engagement

All participants will benefit from the direct attribution of sequestered carbon and biodiversity net gain.

Mushroom in mossy ground
© Anthony Launchbury

Invest in specific projects with trusted deliverers  

We recognise that individual companies may want to finance specific local projects.

You can do this on an Environmental Social and Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility or risk-related basis now; and if you are a company working on your carbon reduction strategy you can also express formal interest in receiving future Wilder Carbon credits.

Wilder Carbon Logo over Yellow and Purple Heather

Register your interest in Future Wilder Carbon Credits

We anticipate being able to issue Estimated Issuance Units within the next 12 months and that these will then become verified Wilder Carbon credits courtesy of the MRV mechanisms that the Wilder Carbon Standards will develop in 2021.

Speak to our Delivery Team

Our delivery team consists of in-house experts who can talk to you about your Wilder Carbon investment.

  • Evan Bowen-Jones
    Evan Bowen Jones
    Founder / Managing Director
  • Paul Hadaway
    Paul Hadaway
    Director of Conservation
  • Sarah Brownlie
    Programme Director
  • Ross Johnson
    Ross Johnson
    Head of Nature Markets
  • Robbie Still
    Robbie Still
    Head of Digital Development
  • Helen Gillespie-Brown
    Business Development Manager