Wilder Carbon Units committed, reserved or purchased
Net Zero Target
A Brighter Future through Impact Investing
WHEB is a boutique asset manager focused solely on impact investing in listed equities. Our strategy invests in companies that protect or enhance quality of life and provide solutions to key sustainability challenges. We believe in a brighter future through impact investing, and we’re passionate about doing our part to make it happen. We have been a certified B-Corp since 2016 and have been awarded the ‘Best for the World’ award as one of the top-performing B Corps around the globe, further highlighting our commitment to be a force for good. Click here if you wish to sign up to our newsletter.
Climate Action
During 2023 we conducted thorough research into offsetting providers in order to find the most credible partner with whom which we could develop a long-standing partnership. This lead us to Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust and Wilder Carbon. We were impressed with the professionalism and knowledge of the team, as well as the high-quality projects offered. We also appreciate that Wilder Carbon are selective of those who can purchase the offsets, choosing to partner only with those companies who share the same purpose.

Hear from the WHEB Group
“WHEB is delighted to partner with Wilder Carbon and the Wildlife Trust BCN on the Speechly’s Farm project. WHEB’s mission is to ‘advance sustainability and create prosperity through positive impact investments.’ This applies to our investment activities as well as to our own operations. By investing in the Speechly’s Farm restoration project, we can be assured that we are contributing towards it's many environmental and social benefits.”
George Latham, Managing Partner
- Supporting Wilder Carbon ProjectsMatched ProjectsKeep me informed →
WHEB Group are currently being matched with Wilder Carbon projects. Join our newsletter to follow their Wilder Carbon journey.