Baby beaver in the water at Ham Fen
© Terry Whittaker
In Development
East Kent - Kent Wildlife Trust

Wantsum Wetlands

The acquisition and restoration of 130ha of grazing marsh, wetlands and relic fen in East Kent. Part of an interlinked network of internationally important wetlands and close to Kent Wildlife Trust’s Ham Fen Nature Reserve - the first site in the UK where beaver were reintroduced.





(Over 50 years)

Beaver dam at Ham Fen

Project Vision

Wantsum Wetlands Nature Recovery Network

The acquisition and reversion of 130 ha of land into fenland habitat.  

This project is a key component in the Wansum Wetlands Nature Recovery Network linking exiting complexes of sites in the Ham peat basin to surrounding wetland areas providing ecological connectivity, opportunities for wilding approaches and with significant long-term sequestration of carbon through lowland peat restoration.

Beaver at Ham Fen
© Terry Whittaker

The Aim

Re-wild & Re-wet

This supports the KWT led vision for a WilderKent, using (re)wilding opportunities and natural regeneration and wetting of land through the reintroduction of species including beavers,re-naturalising of water features and extensive grazing. This area is a nationally important site for the very rare shining rams-horn snail a hotspot for turtle doves and water vole. Peat is one of the highest carbon sequestering habitats, meaning this project delivers long-term carbon impacts and spectacular wildlife gains.

Lower Stour and Wantsum Channel Pathfinder Project Map

Speak to our Delivery Team

Our delivery team consists of in-house experts who can talk to you about your Wilder Carbon investment.

  • Evan Bowen-Jones
    Evan Bowen Jones
    Founder / Managing Director
  • Paul Hadaway
    Paul Hadaway
    Director of Conservation
  • Sarah Brownlie
    Programme Director
  • Ross Johnson
    Ross Johnson
    Head of Nature Markets
  • Robbie Still
    Robbie Still
    Head of Digital Development
  • Helen Gillespie-Brown
    Business Development Manager

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